21 June 2011

Our Thoughts about Adolescence

Everybody undergoes adolescence. It is the time of our lives when we now understand certain things. We become more open-minded and more matured. This is a stage where we discover more about ourselves. We unlock abilities we don't know we have. At this moment in our life, we need to learn many things to prepare for adulthood. Others might say that teenagers are terrible creatures, but hey, we are still human, right? Nobody's perfect; we are just ordinary people who are learning.

~Nicole Kate Sison, II-Molave

The adolescent stage is the process of going beyond the gates of childhood and morphing into a more tenacious and astounding kind -- teenagers. This isn't as easy and fun as in playing DotA wherein you'll need to kill more creeps to gain experience, money, and to level-up. For me, only one virtue should be accepted and  intensified in order to accomplish every bit of duty given and at the same time, have fun...responsibility. Being responsible, which is really something I and most teens neglect, should be top priority. Preparring our homework during free time and other obligations which could be done instead of other less important things is a huge step to being a responsible and problem-free student. Be a couch potato and realize later that your desk is full of late, incomplete projects and tons of group reports. There are two choices, it's either to finish everything or prepare for the cramming.

~Yel Francis Anthony Grageda, II-Narra

Adolescence is the transition period in life in which a child changes into an adult. Adolescence comes from a Latin word adolescere, meaning "to grow into maturity." It includes physical, mental, social, and emotional changes. Adolescence usually occur during 13 to 19 years of age.

Adolescence is important because this is the most demanding transition in life. No other transition is as demanding as adolescence. Adolescence is also important because of the mental and physical growth. Both of these things are essential in becoming a functional member of the society. It is also important because it is a transitional period from a child to an adult. So if you do not undergo this important part of the lifecycle, you will remain as immature as a child forever.

But with its importance, we also need to learn new things for us to cope with adolescence and for the future, our adulthood. We need to learn how to become independent because later on, we will need to manage our own lives, rather than completely being in the control of our guardians. We must also learn how to control our emotions because gradual mood swings will occur, so we must learn to control our emotions always.

Adolescence is a difficult stage in life, but later there comes adulthood, which also comes greater responsibilities for the individual.

~Johann Patrick dela Cruz, II-Acacia

Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is the stage when changes occur physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and psychologically in a teenager. It is very important because most pf a person's changes occur during adolescence. When we were still children, we were very curious about the world. We liked to play a lot and we were very dependent. Some of us are early bloomers; we discover our skills and what we can do early in life, but that doesn't mean those are all we've got. Some of us are little buds waiting to bloom for a couple more years. We discover our hidden talents later than the usual age of development, but that doesn't mean we can't catch up to early bloomers.

During adolescence, changes occur equally between teenagers so no one is ahead and no one is left behind. Adulthood is like the result of our journey during adolescence. Our final personality is our personality when we are adults because we know more about ourselves. More of our characteristics will be discovered by someone else, but the true you still depends on you. It is like what Ina Yanzon said, "If you feel like nobody cares for you, think again. Look in the mirror. The person you see needs you more than anyone else."

Adolescence is a vital stage in a person's life. Some of us are afraid of what changes may occur in us, and what people might say about us. That's why it's important to learn that everyone of us undergoes changes in our life. Who cares what people may say! They'll say you're fatter than you were in first grade or you had grown taller than everyone else in your batch. So what? As long as you undergo changes, there's no need to be afraid. You're totally normal, and you know, without doubt, you deserve the best. If you go through adolescence with fun, you'll get an A for the real you.

~Vivienne Fay R. Naag, II-Acacia

All outputs are original. Do not copy.

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