29 December 2007

Sea Paradise (An exercise on description)

By Lovely Mae M. Laborte, I-Mars

Swimming completes my summer and summer completes my year for it is my second most favorite part next to Christmas.

Summer for me means going to the sea.

Seas are special to me. Every time I visit one, that visit becomes very memorable to me. I love the seas because I love swimming, the thrilling things you can see under the water such as tiny fishes and starfish, the salty smell of the air, the sound of gushing waves tickling your ears and the soft, summer breeze that comforts your feelings. Most especially, I love the sea because I always get the chance to collect some unique stones or shells along the shore. Sometimes I also get to bring home a small glass of white sand. I love collections.

Relaxation is best done by the sea, a perfect runaway place from work or problems. When dawn comes, sunrise is a really pretty sight to watch particularly with its yellow orange effect on the sea and the sand. At dawn, you can also feel the cold summer breeze that soothes your skin.

If you want to feel like a child again, you have to try making sand castles or even sand angels. You can run along the seashore as fast and as long as you like because no one would care to stop you. You also have to try listening to the shells’ melody of the waves trapped in it. And as you leave the shore don’t forget to leave footprints on the sand.

I love going to the sea. Going to the sea is a really fun experience for it is a great place. I just wish that people now would take extra care of it because it would really be a waste if these waters will be polluted. Lots of marine animals would die. That would make me really sad. Let us keep the seas clean because it is our paradise.

Ma Le Petit Paradis

Gushing waves along the shore
Whispers of sound trapped in shells
A sound I’ve heard before
A story inside it, it tells

Near the shore, the sun sets
It’s dusk, time to rest
Great beauty shown is what one gets
Now, the sun’s gone to the west

My Little Paradise, My Little Paradise
You’re always dear to me
For I give you the love no one can suffice
Only to you…My sea.

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